Wednesday, October 16, 2013

These be Busy Days

It has been a busy week for me. Last week my Nana came to town so there was plenty of visiting, and then we celebrated Thanksgiving with a big family feast at my sisters, and then had another smaller dinner the next day for Dan's parents. I spent yesterday between housework and grocery shopping.
Sometimes life can feel like a great big to do list. This week my list is looking a little something like this:

  1. Write a blog post since I have been silent a week
  2. Chores chores chores, got dishes laundry and floors (at least I got the garbage to the curb already!)
  3. Put together stationary swap package so I can get in the mail by Monday
  4. Finish putting snaps in diaper inserts that have been sitting in the sewing pile at least a month and list to Etsy
  5. Finish sewing Jill's Birthday gift
  6. Sew Meara up some booties
  7. Sew Joseph up a ghost Halloween costume
  8. Make Meara ballet slippers with matching tutu, leggings, headband and top for her Halloween costume
  9. Clean up the sewing room so I can start stocking my Etsy shop for the holidays
  10. Stock Etsy shop for the holidays
  11. Sew up a few Christmas gifts so I can say I have it started BEFORE the end of October
  12. Put together some kind of Tutorial or craft post for Tuesday
  13. Find some time in my daily routine for a small work out of some kind
  14. Childproof the living room as that girl really wants to crawl
  15. Actually finish at least half of this list
  16. Turn a year older on Saturday and enjoy myself a little
So, I will try to sneak in another post somewhere between now and Tuesday but if I do it means I am procrastinating on something. Well, I better get at it, I have never known my list to complete itself.

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