Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Craft-tastic Tuesday - Etsy Pattern Review - Brindille and Twig Baby Yoga Pants

photo from the Brindille and Twig Etsy shop
One of her more trim fitting diapers
Well, I have been very very busy sewing but that didn't add up to another tutorial this time. I have sewn up a few gifts so I can't give the surprise away just yet, instead I have decided to share a story about Thursday and finish off with a review.
It all started on Thursday morning when I again became frustrated with Meara's pants. Being a cloth diapered baby we had a common problem - Bubble Butt. Her pants are hard to put on, even the larger sizes. I usually hold her by the waistband and jostle her into her pants. A dressed Meara looks a little silly, her pants are only fitted to her diaper, and no matter the inseam we always have to roll up the legs, and turn her around and the diaper will play peek-a-boo.

Look at how big that diaper is, I can barely zip up a 6-12 m sleeper on her
With my frustrations, I turned to Google, seeking out a pattern for cloth diaper friendly pants. I came out with a few results and a strong desire to own a pair of $30 baby jeans that I know she will just outgrown in a week. I can be pretty cheap, so I thought I would try to sew these jeans. Next came to search for a pattern for baby jeans that I could convert into these pants. No luck there, so I grabbed Meara's best fitting jeans, started to take measurements and tried to design them myself. Another fail. After all, I am still only learning to sew and having not tackled any clothing at all, I had no idea what I was doing. After hours of trying I gave up on that idea - for now.
However, in my search for that perfect pattern to alter I did find my perfect solution. Baby yoga pants by Brindille and Twig. It was almost eleven PM when I was printing out this pattern and going through my bins of fabric. I went to bed not long after, but with a new found pride in my sewing skills. The pants I sewed were so adorable, it was so hard to resist waking Meara to try them on her. Friday morning I tried those lovely pants on her and they were just the right solution.
So, as promised in the title, a review of the  Baby yoga pants by Brindille and Twig pattern.
Look, her bum is covered and her pants fit properly. Success!
This pattern is very easy to follow, and quick to put together. The directions were very easy to follow and the photo's made sure of it. I can't seem to stop sewing yoga pants now and highly recommend these to everyone looking for a cute bottom to sew for their babies, cloth diapered or not. My babies bubble butt is comfortably covered.
I wouldn't mind any suggestions on how to work out the Pomona pants or some other good patterns to try.
Now, did you happen to notice those cute tags on my diapers and on my yoga pants? I recently discovered Assunta Store, where you can find lots of diaper sewing notions, snap presses and parts, cloth diapers at very reasonable prices and more. I ordered my labels and size tags from here and despite the shipping disclaimer saying to expect delivery between 3 and 6 weeks it took only 10 days, weekends included.
Thanks for reading and happy crafting.

1 comment:

  1. I did yoga when I was pregnant and really loved it. I should do it again. I like to do it at home though and just haven't found anything I like enough to stick with it. I love doing yoga with music RAV Vast https://ravvast.com/catalog/drums/ravvast.


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